
Robust. Bolstered. Fit for purpose.

GPA Consulting is aimed at driving reform through transformative solutions, bolstered by a core professionalisation element that works to unlock sustainable delivery. Our consulting solutions are modelled around three specific areas, namely.

Financial and Performance Improvement

Here, we assist those we serve to achieve their strategic objectives. With each Financial and Performance Improvement solution there is a primary focus to resolve complex operational challenges and to facilitate the necessary transformation processes required.

  • Align and integrate enabling business models (i.e. finance) with the functional aspects of operational models (i.e. performance information). This aspect of the PI solution base considers the following key elements – (i) people, (ii) processes, (iii) enabling technology, and (iv) the delivery model.
  • Application and implementation of the relevant requirements of the applicable financial reporting framework (i.e National Treasury Modified Cash Standards [MCS] and South African Standards of Generally Recognised Accounting Practices [SA GRAP]).
  • Strengthening in-year and year-end reporting processes.
  • Institutionalising short, medium, and long term planning.
  • Strengthening financial management disciplines.
  • Audit remediation and readiness underscored by sustainability practices.
Performance Information
  • Align and integrate performance management and reporting processes with the enabling business model (i.e. finance). This aspect of the PI solution base considers the following key elements – (i) people, (ii) processes, (iii) enabling technology, and (iv) the delivery model.
  • Application and implementation of the relevant reporting requirements in terms of the applicable legislative requirements and the National Treasury Framework for Managing Programme Performance Information (NTFFMPPI).
  • Strengthening in-year and year-end reporting processes.
  • Gearing toward relevance readiness.
  • Strengthening performance management disciplines.
  • Audit remediation and readiness underscored by sustainability practices.
Procurement and Contract Management
  • Align and integrate the demand and supply processes with:
    – Strategic planning and budgeting; and
    – Finance and operational delivery models.
  • Develop and/or review and assist with institutionalising policies, processes and supporting procedures (this includes the use of implementing agents).
  • Develop filing and/or archiving system(s), i.e. effective document management practices.
  • Validity, accuracy and completeness of contractual commitments.
  • Identification and reporting of irregular expenditure.
  • Compilation of condonation submissions.

Guide and/or develop the roll-out and implementation of key plans for strategic decisions to be made. At a minimum this would consider:

  • Impact upon both the finance and operating models and the requisite changes to be effected thereto.
  • Impact upon performance objectives and related indicators, outlining the legislative process to adjust accordingly.
  • Short, medium, and long term financial implications and the related impact upon the budget or adjustment budget process. This concerns avoiding unauthorised expenditure or other relevant instances of non-compliance.
Programme Management
  • Assess how to implement the execution of a new strategy, and bridge the identified gaps.
  • Set up a new transformation program or undertake to transform an existing program that is challenged.
  • Align multiple project teams into a single program management platform and set of methods/standards.
  • Manage complex program governance and decision-making.
  • Execute and operate a transformational program or large implementation thereof.
  • Implement and manage shared services.

Risk and Governance

We place specific focus upon the transformation agenda and related organisational transformation. With these solutions we aim to assist in building agile and risk aware organisations, thereby allowing leadership and management to make better decisions to deliver against their mandate and achieve their strategic objectives.

Our risk and governance transformation solutions focus on the following key areas:

  1. System of governance
  2. Risk function
  3. Program risk management
  4. Regulatory compliance
This step in the process is performing a ‘deep dive’ exercise across the organisation’s operations. Our objective is to identify and unpack control deficiencies and shortcomings at a granular level.This then forms the basis from which we are able to assist the organisation in confirming the key areas of redress, which in turn serves to inform the remedial measures/actions to be developed and implemented.
This step entails developing requisite improvements so as to address the known control deficiencies and shortcomings. With re-engineering we map the control deficiencies across the organisation’s value chain – identifying the operational and business processes impacted. Our re-engineering focus vests in the development of necessary corrective measures from a people, process and system perspective.
This step entails working alongside all stakeholders within the organisation so as to institutionalise the adjusted processes. The activities within this step are fundamental to the transformation agenda and sustainability plan developed.

Data & Technology

When utilised correctly, data, technology and augmented intelligence allows for process re-engineering and the enhancement of risk controls.

Given the risk exposure within organs of state and the associated absence of ERP systems, a huge benefit can be realised through data analytics, Computer Aided Audit Tools (CAATs), management monitoring tools and robotics. When correctly applied and positioned across the various end-to-end processes within a value chain, it can be used to enforce ‘gates’ at critical stages within the process.

On each project, we work alongside those we serve to define, develop, and implement a solution – one that not only addresses the internal organisational requirements, but will ultimately serve the citizens they work for. Through Consulting we also promote building and enhancing the capabilities of those we serve, working closely with our Academy to ensure that the necessary skills for continued delivery remain within the institution once the project is complete.

Analytics and CAAT
We use a range of data tools and strategies, such as data mining and artificial intelligence, to support finance and accounting activities and processes.

With our analytics services we support the collection, combination and exploration of relevant financial and non-financial data.

Thus through this solution we unlock data intelligence.
With CAATs we analyse large volumes of data looking for anomalies (i.e. confirming specific risks). We extract every transaction performed during the period under consideration and run the relevant CAAT.

Thereafter, anomalies and exceptions identified are investigated to confirm the validity thereof.

Tools and Robotics
To support organs of state on their transformation journeys, we always consider unlocking the efficiency and effectiveness factor by introducing integrated management monitoring and reporting tools into their operating models. Aimed at aligning and strengthening both financial and performance management practices. As well reducing the lead time required to generate credible and reliable data.
Government must increase reliance and invest in new and disruptive technologies to enable elevation of their maturity and reduce risks, threats and exposure.
Of late we have noticed a number of cyber attacks on organs of state. This has halted operations in many of these organisations (i.e impacting their ability to deliver services) and also created exposure to citizen data and information hosted.

We provide organs of state with a new take on protecting their organization: ensuring day-to-day resilience as well as a proactive, pragmatic, and strategic approach that considers risk and security from the onset. We focus on enabling trust in systems, designs and data.

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